Drogas ilegales, alcohol y agresividad vial

  1. Benavidez Rodríguez, Daniela
  2. Gómez Talegón, María Trinidad
  3. Fierro Lorenzo, Inmaculada
  4. Álvarez González, Francisco Javier
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Uso y abuso de drogas: risgos de accidentes en la conducción

Issue: 3

Pages: 271-284

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de drogodependencias


Use of alcohol, stimulants, cocaine and cannabis is known to be associated with aggressive behavior, suffering injuries for various causes and traffi c accidents, but there are few studies on how this consumption is related to road rage experience. Our aim is to analyze the existing bibliography on this topic and draw clear conclusions as regards its real impact. Five publications were analyzed. Over one third of drivers had had a road rage experience. Sociodemographic predictors were: being male, young, living in a large city, high educational level and not living with a partner. Different variables related with alcohol were predictors for victims and for perpetrators of road rage, particularly frequent and serious aggressions. Considering three subscales of the AUDIT test, �Dependence� was associated only with perpetrators of verbal aggression, while �Consumption� and �Problems� were related to almost all forms of road rage. Alcohol use frequency and drink-driving had no impact on road rage except when drivers were really drunk. Driving under the infl uence of cannabis was related with road rage perpetration. Stimulants (cocaine and ecstasy) were associated with victimization, aggression and, to a signifi cant degree, with serious road rage. There is an association between illegal drugs or alcohol consumption and road rage, particularly concerning perpetration items. The extent to which these fi ndings represent pharmacological effects, psychosocial processes, or both, is an important topic for future research.

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