Impacto en Segovia de la implantación del Tren de Alta velocidad en la Formación Superior y la I+D
ISSN: 0211-5891
Year of publication: 2011
Issue: 34
Pages: 33-50
Type: Article
More publications in: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio
Building a new high speed line usually generates many expectations and positive effects on many different fields. In this context, this paper reflects on the possible impacts of the recent establishment of this infrastructure in Segovia may have on the highest level of education. This will be part of an analysisdiagnosis of the University in this city, with the commentary of its most representative, to then interpret the effects of the HST can make to the functioning of university life and community in a context that mobility patterns of some of their groups can be altered. Finally some proposals are made to optimize their efficient use in higher education and economic development (R & D).
Bibliographic References
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