Estrategias compositivas de Cabezón en su glosado de Ultimi miei sopiri de Verdelot

  1. Pedrero Encabo, Agueda
Revista de musicología
  1. Roa Alonso, Francisco J. (coord.)
  2. Rodilla León, Francisco (coord.)

ISSN: 0210-1459

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Antonio de Cabezón en su V centenario (1510-2010)

Volume: 34

Issue: 2

Pages: 317-332

Type: Article


More publications in: Revista de musicología

Bibliographic References

  • Ward, John. «The use of borrowed material in 16th Century Instrumental Music». JAMS, 5 (1952).
  • Silva de Sirenas, fol. A6, en Ward, John. «The use of borrowed material in 16th Century Instrumental Music». JAMS, 5 (1952).
  • Brown, Howard Mayer. «Embellishment in Early Six- teenth-Century Italian Intabulations». Proceedings of the Royal Music Association , 100 (1973/4).
  • Segnatura: Madrigali primi, di Verdelot, a Sei. En Amati-Camperi, Alexandra Philippe Ver- delot, Madrigali a sei voci. Pisa, ETS, 2004.
  • Brown, Howard Mayer. Instrumental Music Printed before 1600: a Bibliography. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1965.
  • Feldman, Martha. City culture and the madrigal at Venice. Berkeley, University of Cali- fornia Press, 1995.
  • B. Bakfark. The Lyons Lute-Book 1553, Opera omnia, vol I. ed. I. Budapest, Homolya et D. Benkö, Editio Musica, 1976.