Vertebro-basilar occlusive disease

  1. Taylor, J.
  2. Brizuela, J. A.
  3. Merino Díaz, Borja
  4. Gastambide, María Victoria
  5. Estévez, I.
  6. Fuente, R.
  7. Vaquero Puerta, Carlos
Revista española de investigaciones quirúrgicas

ISSN: 1139-8264

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 16

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 37-41

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista española de investigaciones quirúrgicas


Vertebro-basilar occlusive disease is a condition that can cause symptomatology related to encephalic posterior circulation ischemia. Vertebro-basilar (VB) ischemia represents a 25% of all TIA�s and Strokes in North America (1). In a patient with a VB-TIA, if vertebro-basilar (VB) pathology is demonstrated, he or she will have a 30-35% risk of having a VB circulation stroke in the next 5 years (2); demonstrating that vertebro-basilar occlusive disease is a relevant condition regarding mortality, morbidity and health-related costs. Since Crawford and colleagues described the trans-subclavian vertebral artery endarterectomy by the end of the 50�s, vertebro-basilar occlusive disease has been studied rather little. We pretend to do a revision of this disease, and to discuss briefly the most up-to-date therapies described in current literature for this condition.