¿Cuándo se extinguió el consulado?reflexiones en torno a la Novela 94 de León el Sabio

  1. Andrés Santos, Francisco Javier
Erytheia: Revista de estudios bizantinos y neogriegos

ISSN: 0213-1986

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 34

Pages: 9-37

Type: Article

More publications in: Erytheia: Revista de estudios bizantinos y neogriegos


The declining history of consulate in Late Roman Empire lets still numerous questions arise. The existence of the consulate _even as an eponymous magistrate_ continued until Justinian gave it a new regulation in 537. After 541 only the Emperor could take over the eponymous consulate, and this was quite common till 632, when the emperor Constant II became consul lately. Afterwards there is no more news about it, until the Novel 94 by Leo VI, which abolished Justinian's regulation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the meaning and scope of this last statute, in order to determine whether this one abolished the institution definitely, as some scholars suggest.

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