Leemúsicaenseñanza del lenguaje musical en educación infantil (3 a 5 años) con apoyo de las tic

  1. Castañón Rodríguez, María del Rosario
  2. Vivaracho, Carlos E.
Neuma: Revista de Música y Docencia Musical

ISSN: 0718-7017 0719-5389

Year of publication: 2012

Year: 5

Volume: 2

Pages: 98-108

Type: Article

More publications in: Neuma: Revista de Música y Docencia Musical


Introducing musical language at early ages (3 to 5 years old) asks the collaboration with the reading and writing process in a global conception of learning. Associating sounds and its graphics is a simultaneous development of musical and linguistic space. It contributes also to the development of psychomotor aspects and hand to eyes coordination, to the improvement of the use of voice and sound production, the breathing, and the rhythmic relationship of syllables and words, to the refinement of vocal and ear tuning, as well as it introduces children in some creative and interpretative skills which helps their expressive capacities. Using ICT contributes as well to the approach of the children to basic technologic tools and helps the relation with computer interfaces from the initial levels at school.