Evaluación del consumo de drogas en el Centro de Atención a las Drogodependencias de Soria (1997-2012)

  1. Andrés del Río, María
  2. Fernández Araque, Ana María
  3. Ladrón Moreno, Eduardo
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 17

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to identify the profile of the use of drugs in the Care Centre for Drug Addicts (CCDA) in Soria, as well as the profile of those users seen in the centre. Method: retrospective descriptive study of the population seen in the CCDA from 1997 until December, 2012. Data were collected according to these variables: gender, age of start, primary drug, associated drugs, family of users, level of studies, and manner in which they started using drugs. Patients seen for gambling addiction were excluded. Results: the study sample included 1,186 patients. The prevalence of alcohol use was 49,11%, while 16.37% was for cocaine and 16.28% for heroin, followed by cannabis with 10% and amphetamines, synthetic drugs and benzodiazepines in a lower proportion. 71% of patients used a second drug. 80% started using drugs before they were 20, 24.3% had quit studying, and 46% belonged to drug user families. Conclusions: alcohol is the drug for which more patients request treatment. A poly-drug user profile has been identified, mostly male, with an early start within the setting of friends, and a low level of education. This will allow to guide preventive interventions, and adapt those activities conducted in the CCDA.

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