Las demostraciones de los teoremas de continuidad en los libros de texto para alumnos de 17-18 años correspondientes a las tres últimas leyes educativas españolas

  1. Conejo Garrote, Laura
  2. Ortega del Rincón, Tomás
Números: Revista de didáctica de las matemáticas

ISSN: 0212-3096 1887-1984

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 87

Pages: 5-23

Type: Article

More publications in: Números: Revista de didáctica de las matemáticas


In this paper we present the analysis of the mathematical proof in textbooks of the last three Spanish Educations Laws and two last courses of Secondary Education. The article presents a summary of the procedures for establishing the theorems of Bolzano, Darboux and Weierstrass in four textbook publishers. We have developed some analysis categories which integrate proof schemes, proof functions, preformal proofs and different types of proofs, and a historical research methodology. Finally, we describe the analysis and conclusions of the study.