Proyectos comisariales pedagógicos en museos de arte contemporáneo

  1. Olivar Parra, José Sixto
  2. Coca Jiménez, Pablo
Clío: History and History Teaching.

ISSN: 1139-6237

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Educación Patrimonial

Issue: 40

Type: Article

More publications in: Clío: History and History Teaching.


Currently, educational curatorial practices are presented as a new way of thinking about art education in contemporary art museums. These kinds of proposals try to break the usual exhibition synergies that happen in these institutions and have favored the disagreement between the contemporary art and the public. In this sense, the museum�s educational policies should not focus on the reproduction of the official discourse, but offer the necessary tools for the viewer to be able to generate other narratives that contribute to their own personal construction. Therefore, this paper intends to examine these issues, analyzing some of the experiences that have been developed within the �Sala Cero� exhibition project in the �Museum of Spanish Contemporary Art. Patio Herreriano� of Valladolid.

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