Análisis de la resolución de 14 de abril de 2015, del instituto de contabilidad y auditoría de cuentas, por la que se establecen criterios para la determinación del coste de producción

  1. Begoña Villarroya Lequericaonandia
Quincena fiscal

ISSN: 1132-8576

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 15-16

Pages: 59-73

Type: Article

More publications in: Quincena fiscal


Within the process of reform and adaptation of the commercial law on accounting matters for international harmonization based on the regulations of the European Union, has taken place in very recent dates (April 2015), a normative development of the cost of production. The present paper shows a comparative analysis between the new regulation of such normative development that sets the criteria for the determination of the cost of production and the previous normative. Through this analysis, we can see that this new arrangement presents very few novel aspects, being almost a mere compilation of the regulations that already were applicable, although it will focus attention precisely on those innovative aspects, some of which will be subject to a detailed study. We can conclude that as the new aspects regulated here get a greater convergence with international standards.

Bibliographic References

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  • Malles Fernández, E. (1994) La importancia del estudio de los costes empresariales en la fabricación de los productos Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas. Enpresen Zuzendaritza eta Administrazio Aldizkaria nº 1
  • Vidal Hernández-Mora, J. A. (2012) Análisis y aplicación de métodos de valoración de existencias en comercio: minoristas y utilidad bruta versus CMP Revista iberoamericana de contabilidad y gestión, nº 10