Rendimiento escolar y actitudes personales y de responsabilidad social en el alumnado preadolescente

  1. Carbonero Martín, Miguel Ángel
  2. Martín Antón, Luis Jorge
  3. Monsalvo Díez, Eugenio
  4. Valdivieso Burón, Juan Antonio
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 31

Issue: 3

Pages: 990-999

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología


This study focuses on the analysis of the differences observed between students with different levels of academic performance in their social attitudes and personal responsibility towards study, according to var-ious theories and models. Participants were 235 students from the third cy-cle of Primary Education (10-12 years old). They completed two attitude rating scales: (a) Assessment Scale of Social Responsibility Attitudes of Primary School Pupils (EARSA-P, Monsalvo, 2012b), consisting of 23 items grouped into six factors (obedience in the family, polite and accepting their mis-takes, trust in their parents, responsible in school setting, friendly and will-ing to help and careful of their environment); and (b) Assessment Scale of General Attitudes towards Study E-1 (Morales, 2006), which consists of 15 items grouped into five dimensions (high aspirations, enjoyment of study, study organization, efforts to understand and desire to continue learning). We compared the levels of social responsibility and attitudes toward study according to the level of academic achievement, finding significant group differences in attitudes toward study and responsibility in terms of academ-ic achievement

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