Técnica y sentido

  1. Chillón Lorenzo, José Manuel
  2. Marcos Martínez, Alfredo

ISSN: 1887-9853

Any de publicació: 2015

Número: 11

Pàgines: 77-100

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Scio


Technology is essential for to human live. The human being depends on it for developing all his biological, social and spiritual dimensions. The technology, meanwhile, only makes sense when placed precisely at the service of human development. But the technological world has grown throughout history in various forms: from the simple technique to the modern technology, then to techno-science, hence to biotechnology and ultimately to the anthropotechnics. In recent years, some thinkers have proposed to apply different contemporary technologies to the transformation of human being herself. They propose to transform the current human being into a post-human by technological means. Both Husserl as the Frankfurt School have already reported a loss of meaning caused by the abso-lutism of instrumental reason. We detect that the risk of nonsense goes even deeper when we try to apply, without criteria, different technologies on human being, for no other reasons than the purely instrumental ones. We argue that if this anthropotechnic project was fulfilled, probably the very technological development would lose its meaning and weaken its own growth. We understand the answer, however, is not to go in the neo-Luddite line, but along the line of the attitude that Heidegger called serenity.

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