Actitudes lingüísticas en la rehabilitación del lenguaje

  1. Nieves Mendizábal de la Cruz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos

ISSN: 1577-6921

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 31

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos


The attitude that we should have towards linguistic norm should not be the same in all professional fields. A speech and language therapist (language rehabilitation, speech and altered voice professional), must have an attitude towards different norm which a teacher must adopt. In this study, we have used a survey as a research instrument to ask active speech and language therapists a series of questions on what linguistic norms do they use as reference in their rehabilitative work. Thus, we focus our study on linguistic system notions against standard norm, with a methodology based on 2 selected opinion surveys to elucidate the adopted attitude during speech therapy intervention. Consequently, we have collected speech therapists surveys from various linguistic communities that do not share the same language model to observe which language variant do they use as a basis of their interventions.

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