Blog materno-infantil: una experiencia en la Atención Primaria española

  1. Carolina González Hernando
  2. García Alonso, Marta Marina
  3. Vázquez Fernández, Marta Esther
  4. Sanz Almazán, María
  5. Puebla Nicolás, Eva
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 19

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to analyze the utility, satisfaction, and information flows generated in the Web 2.0 by the Mother-and-Child Blog implemented in a Primary Care Centre of the Castile and León Community. Method: a prospective longitudinal descriptive study (final stage of pregnancy, at 15 days and at 3 months into the newborn life) in an urban health centre, and with the population of pregnant women undergoing pregnancy follow-up and paediatric check-ups. As well as sociodemographical variables, the study included the utility and level of satisfaction of the Mother-and-Child Blog, and any variables allowing the analysis of the communication flow in said blog. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted (central tendency and dispersion measures; absolute and relative frequencies), bivariate analysis (Square-chi Test), and analysis of the communication flow in the blog through the Google Analytics application. Results: the blog was used by 46% of women during pregnancy, and 67% during the first three months of the postpartum period. The higher use by first-time mothers stood out, as well as by women with a high socioeconomic level. The degree of satisfaction reached a score above 8 (scale from 1 to 10) in all aspects analyzed. Conclusions: this new way of on-line communication and health education between citizens and healthcare professionals has shown a high level of acceptance, solved health problems, provided reassurance, and reached a high degree of satisfaction among its users.

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