El aprendizaje cooperativo en educación física: Planteamientos teóricos y puesta en práctica

  1. Carlos Velázquez Callado

ISSN: 1989-2837

Any de publicació: 2018

Número: 20

Pàgines: 7-16

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Acciónmotriz


Cooperative learning is one of the most investigated pedagogical models currently. Different studies recommend its implementation in Physical Education to promote achievement at the cognitive, motor, social and affective-motivational levels. However, not all teachers know this model or apply it in the same way. A study carried out amongst 198 Spanish Physical Education teachers of Primary and Secondary Education shows that only slightly more than 4% develop practical actions in their classes close to the theoretical model considered as ideal. In contrast, most teachers who claim to apply cooperative learning in their classes perform group work, cooperative games, or reinforce values related to cooperation and teamwork. It sometimes causes different problems in the classes such as to the manifestation of individualistic or competitive behaviours by the students and it may cause the teachers not to continue with the progress in their approach to the ideal theoretical model. In order to overcome these drawbacks we propose the motor coopedagogy approach. This approach is structured in five progressively developed stages: (1) to provoke the conflict, (2) to develop the principles of the logic of cooperation, (3) to apply the logic of cooperation in playful environments, (4) to learn through cooperation, and (5) to generate autonomous learning and transfer it out of the classes

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