Sobre la contribución de Herman Hertzberger a la corriente del Estructuralismo Holandés

  1. Rebeca Merino del Río
  2. Julio Grijalba Bengoetxea
Constelaciones: Revista de arquitectura de la Universidad CEU San Pablo=Architecture magazine of the CEU San Pablo University

ISSN: 2340-177X

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 6

Pages: 33-47

Type: Article


More publications in: Constelaciones: Revista de arquitectura de la Universidad CEU San Pablo=Architecture magazine of the CEU San Pablo University

Sustainable development goals


In the sixties, several Netherlander architects produced work identified as Dutch Structuralism. A lack of internal cohesion and divergences among the different authors, have led to reading of their work from a more purely architectural perspective, with some of the aspects that are characteristic of the social sciences, being relegated to a less relevant position. Those aspects, are however, considered of the utmost importance to correctly comprehend some of the buildings and writings. Since the boost that this subject has received in the last years has been strictly focused on the compositional side, it is considered imperative that a transversal-nature review of the theoretical principles and influences is made, to provide the basis for future assessments. For that purpose, Herman Hertzberger's written work is taken as a reference, whose results are key because of this propositional asseverations and reasoning. A comparative study of the structuralist theories developed in other fields, such as linguistics or anthropology, and the concepts employed by Hertzberger, not only demonstrates the actual correspondence, but also allows us to assess to what extent he contributed to Dutch Structuralism.