Objetos en la ciudad. Donald Judd y el proyecto para la calle Steinberggasse de Winterthur

  1. Pablo Llamazares Blanco
  2. Fernando Zaparaín Hernández
  3. Jorge Ramos Jular
Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura

ISSN: 2173-1616 2171-6897

Année de publication: 2018

Número: 19

Pages: 70-83

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/PPA.2018.I19.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura

Objectifs de Développement Durable


Donald Judd always defended, as part of his minimalism, the close relationship that his artistic creations had with the context where they were inserted. Thus, Judd built the idea of space activation through a whole set of spatial characteristics, which were projected beyond the limits of the object until they reached the most immediate environment. His proposal for the Steinberggasse street of the city of Winterthur, as an urban intervention, constitutes the paradigm of all his specific objects located in the open space. Therefore, this article analyses the review of that project, how the aforementioned space activation is achieved in his proposal and the study of the original approach of the artist and the graphic documentation made to carry out his construction. A reflection approached from an urban perspective, which leads to the discovery of the mechanisms used by Donald Judd in his sculptural intervention. In short, it will be possible to see how the three fountains installed on the street establish a close relationship with the urban landscape, with the topography and with the underlying urban planning defined by the architecture based on the place. Accordingly, all this would lead to a sensory experience of the individual with his own physical reality: the discovery of the phenomenological essence that results from some objects in the space–support of Steinberggasse street.

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