La autonomía procesal del Tribunal Constitucionaluna oscilación entre exacerbada y exasperante

  1. Juan Fernando Durán Alba
Corts: Anuario de derecho parlamentario

ISSN: 1136-3339

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Zenbakien izenburua: 40 aniversari de la Constitució Espanyola

Zenbakia: 31

Orrialdeak: 605-626

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Corts: Anuario de derecho parlamentario


The Constitucional Court implementation of its procedural autonomy hide some truly surprising constructions of the procedural rules and, what is more worrying, clear fluctuations with deciding results in its approach to the different cases that have to be solved. The changes in the legal standards, most of them at the expenses of the appellants, generate no little uncertainty and undermine the Court’s auctoritas, on behalf of which more procedural throughness is expected. This work does not question the judicial interpretation authority vested in the Court but the legal reasoning that supports it inasmuch it jeopardizes the legal certainty that the Court itself should provide.