Barreras y motivaciones para la participación en una comunidad de práctica virtual de docentes de Educación Física:elcaso de «(Re)Produce

  1. 1 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. España
  2. 2 Facultad de Educación de Palencia. Universidad de Valladolid. España
  3. 3 Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social. Universidad de Valladolid. España
Ágora para la educación física y el deporte

ISSN: 1578-2174

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 20

Issue: 2-3

Pages: 368-391

Type: Article

More publications in: Ágora para la educación física y el deporte


The general purpose o f this work is to identify the motivations and barriers that the participants of (Re)Produce, a virtual practice community of Physical Education teachers, point ed out to initiate their participation and to maintain it over time. The perspective is qualitative, using data collection instruments specific to the case study, such as interviewing participants at different levels of professional socialization, analyzing the texts produced on the platform and the personal diaries of several participant s. Data refer to a great diversity o f motivations for participation; among them , the possibility of transferring knowledge to the classroom , in the case of Physical Education teachers ; or, for those participants in initial training, the enrichment derived from the contact with the experiences and knowledge s of the experienced teachers. The most frequent barriers are the short age of time to dedicate to (Re)Produce, the complexity and density of the texts produced in the platform and the fear and the feeling of inferiority in the case of the participants in initial formation or in the first years of teaching experienc

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