Frank Lloyd Wright. Trabajar la tierra para un paisaje simbiótico

  1. José María Jové Sandoval
Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura

ISSN: 2173-1616 2171-6897

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Paisaje de bancales

Issue: 21

Pages: 111-131

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/PPA.2019.I21.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura


In the 1920s, Wright found that working on California slopes made new projective strategies necessary. No longer could his houses be horizontal: they had to adapt to hillside inclinations. Nevertheless, he refused not to let them extend over the steep lots, resorting to the terrace. The idea of working the land also emerged powerfully: the grid with which he controlled the project was impressed into the concrete and he then made it the paving material, giving the surface a metaphoric value. This issue -the process of geometrization and abstraction- would be used as tools to analyze and to design with landscape, to unravel its internal order and find a natural order with architecture. From then on, Wright’s desert projects revealed intense telluric work. Walls, terraces and platforms are instruments for his interpretation of the topography. Orthogonal grids, twisted or angular, explore the territory or connect with it to make his buildings more cohesive. The materials are also incorporated naturally, emphasizing their link to the site and its earthy qualities. The obsession with establishing connections between the near and the far, the land and the horizon, the path and time, even including cross-cultural and multiple perceptions, are all palpable in Wright’s work. And especially present is his manipulation of that fundamental element: the land.

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