¡Eh, tú! ¿Por qué me traduces con eco? La traducción del multilingüismo para el soporte unimodal y multimodal de la obra "Coco"

  1. Lorena Hurtado Malillos
  2. Carmen Cuéllar Lázaro
Cuadernos de investigación filológica

ISSN: 0211-0547

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Band: 46

Seiten: 149-179

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.18172/CIF.3893 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Cuadernos de investigación filológica

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


This article presents a descriptive-comparative study whose purpose is to analyse the influence of the reception and support factors in the type of treatment techniques applied for the translation of multilingual texts. To this end, “Coco” and “In the time of the butterflies” have been chosen as case studies and as examples of English-Spanish translingual literature and film. Likewise, the translation of these works into German, a language that bears no linguistic coincidence with the source languages has been studied. The results show that “Coco”, a film with a multimodal support and “In the time of the butterflies”, a novel that targets an adult audience, transfer the original segments stated in Spanish. However, “Coco”, a story with a monomodal support and targeting children adapts this linguistic property through the strategies of modification, homogenization and transference plus a clarifying translation (translation with echo).

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