Camboya año cerola reconstrucción de la antiutopía de los jemeres rojos en La imagen perdida (2013) de Rithy Panh

  1. Martín Sanz, Álvaro
Cauce: Revista Internacional de Filología, Comunicación y sus Didácticas

ISSN: 0212-0410 2603-8560

Année de publication: 2018

Número: 41

Pages: 53-75

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Cauce: Revista Internacional de Filología, Comunicación y sus Didácticas


This article seeks to deconstruct the representation that Rithy Panh makes of the period of the Democratic Kampuchea in his celebrated non-fction work The missing picture (2013). The article seeks to fnd if its posible to create from scratch and without practically any archive footage a global image that is faithful to the true history of a certain era against a whole series of audiovisual documents that are part of the utopian propaganda apparatus, in this case promoted by a totalitarian regime such as the Khmer Rouge

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