The management of documentation resources in specialised translation traineesa case study on legal translation

  1. Leticia Moreno-Pérez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valladolid –ACTRES
Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural

ISSN: 1989-5097

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 9

Pages: 291-301

Type: Article

More publications in: Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural


Due to time restrictions, it is normally assumed that translation trainees have a good command of basic translation skills when they reach specialised subjects, as it is the case of documentation. The aim of this paper is to analyse to what extent advanced translation students are able to face the documentation process in a specialised discipline. To do so, wepresent a case study carried out with students of a specialised translation subject, which we will use to analyse if the resources they used for documentation on a translation assignment allowed them to solve the encountered translation problems. This will help us understand if a well-set base is the key to a good specialised documentation process, or if it may require further specific practice.