Una experiencia educativa televisada en España entre la década de los 60 y los 80El programa Misión Rescate
ISSN: 2386-3846, 0212-0267
Année de publication: 2019
Titre de la publication: Juegos populares y educación en la historia
Número: 38
Pages: 311-325
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Historia de la educación: Revista interuniversitaria
This text has as its fundamental purpose visualizes the educational function that in the decades of the 60, 70 and 80 had in Spain the program «Mission Rescue» in relation to the heritage cultural material. Exposing for a better understanding of its importance, a concrete case, the rediscovery of the Roman mosaics and the Visigothic necropolis of Santa Lucia by the rescue group n.º 349 of the Graduate School of Aguilafuente (Segovia).