Towards a Critical Understanding of Social Networks for the Feminist MovementTwitter and the Women’s Strike
Universitat de València
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 1138-3305, 2340-5007
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: Gender and Media
Issue: 50
Pages: 91-109
Type: Article
More publications in: Trípodos
The intensive use of digital platforms by the feminist movement has been identified as one of its main characteristics. Numerous studies address the tactical use of social networks by this movement, especially on 8 March in Spain. This paper studies the action repertoires of different actors who participated in the 2019 Women’s Strike conversation, including automated accounts. Empirical results demonstrate that Twitter is not an exclusive field for the feminist movement. Along with activists who promoted and informed the Women’s Strike, political parties proposed concrete policy measures, and conservative factions criticized the movement calling for demobilization. In this sense, for the first time in these M8 mobilizations, bots participated in this polarisation of the debate through partisan hashtags and the dissemination of fake news. The investigation thus confirms that automation techniques and contradictory flows of power are critical elements to understand the real potential of social networks for feminist social change.
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