La consolidación de nuevos valores territoriales:paisaje y patrimonio en el tramo castellano‑leonés del Camino de Santiago

  1. Cayetano Cascos Maraña
  2. Fernando Molinero Hernando
  3. Eugenio Baraja Rodríguez
Revalorizando el espacio rural: leer el pasado para ganar el futuro : XVII Coloquio de Geografía Rural, Colorural 2014, Girona, 3-6 de septiembre de 2014
  1. Pavón, David (dir.)
  2. Anna Ribas Palom (dir.)
  3. Sandra Ricart Casadevall (dir.)
  4. Anna Roca Torrent (dir.)
  5. Isabel Salamaña Serra (dir.)
  6. Cristina Tous de Sousa (dir.)

Argitaletxea: Documenta Universitaria

ISBN: 978-84-9984-253-0

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Orrialdeak: 317

Biltzarra: Coloquio de Geografía Rural (17. 2014. Girona)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


The consolidation of new territorial values: landscape and heritage in the castilian-leonese stretch of the Camino de Santiago The Camino de Santiago, in the Castilian-Leonese tranche, consists of a large tract of land, (more than 400 km), that runs through mountainous terrain and plains. Its current landscape differs considerably from that in the Middle Ages, mainly by conversion of the forest into farmland. But both, in the sedimentary plains and in the mountains, arose a series of buildings that had little to do with agriculture, although they were largely abandoned afterwards. However, the richness of these buildings, bridges, roads and landscapes has served as a lever for rural development, by the revaluation of the Camino. This has led to a recovery of old buildings and to convert them into shelters for pilgrims, to the installation of new cottages, the emergence of new activities and the maintenance of the social and rural environment. All this is assessed and analyzed by theoretical methods, supported by statistical sources, surveys and terrestrial and aerial images.