Procesos de patrimonialización del paisaje forestal en la españa septentrional occidental. Estudio de casos

  1. Merino Espeso, Alberto
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Carlos Guerra Velasco Director
  2. Alipio J. García de Celis Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 04 June 2021

  1. Concepción Fidalgo Hijano Chair
  2. Guillermo Calonge Cano Secretary
  3. Manuel Frochoso Sánchez Committee member
  1. Geography

Type: Thesis


Forest areas have been spaces with special interest. Both forests and scattered woodlands have served societies as referential elements, identity foundations with an increasing social recognition. This close link is preceded by a cultural relationship of uses . Human beings have based a large part of their activities on the products obtained from trees not only through death but also during their lifetime. These uses and practices that have been performed with trees result in a forestry situation that could be described as forest domestication. This domestication has generated landscapes of high biological value and significant cultural complexity. In order to understand the heritage value of forestry, a diachronic approach to the reality of forestry in peninsular Spain has been made. In this approach the formations, their distribution, characteristics, ecological requirements, and their anthropic relationship, are explained. On the other hand, this work analyzes the theoretical concepts that will support the practical part, by reviewing the concepts of landscape and heritage. Finally, with the purpose of obtaining a comparison between different types of forest landscape, five case studies are compared . According to these premises, a classification of forest landscape types has been accomplished, under which the case studies have been delimited. Through the analysis of these examples, a comparison between the different types of landscape is obtained . This comparison allows to identify their strengths and weaknesses, the bases of the recognition and the inactivated heritage value.