La desinformación en las redes de mensajería instantánea. Estudio de las fake news en los canales relacionados con la ultraderecha española en Telegram

  1. María Díez-Garrido
  2. Cristina Renedo Farpón
  3. Lorena Cano-Orón
Miguel Hernández Communication Journal

ISSN: 1989-8681

Año de publicación: 2021

Número: 12

Páginas: 467-489

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Miguel Hernández Communication Journal


One of the most uncontrolled and wides-pread sources of misinformation are the instant messaging platforms, mainly due to the privacy of the communication spaces created in them. The dissemination of false news on these networks makes it difficult to detect them and thus complicates the task of fact-checking. Both WhatsApp and Tele-gram were used and integrated in the elec-toral campaign of the previous elections in the United States (Journell, 2017; Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017), in the United Kingdom on the occasion of the Brexit (Kucharski 2016), in Brazil (Novomisky, 2018), and recently in the autonomous elections of Andalusia (Spain) (Viejo, 2018). This research takes as a case study the communication flow in Telegram during the campaign for the 2019 General Elections in Spain and aims to analyse the disin-formation distributed in Telegram by Vox

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