Forum classicorumperspectivas y avances sobre el Mundo Clásico

  1. Jesús de la Villa Polo coord.
  2. Antonio López Fonseca coord.
  3. Emma Falque Rey coord.
  4. María Paz de Hoz García-Bellido coord.
  5. María José Muñoz Jiménez coord.
  6. Irene Villarroel Fernández coord.
  7. Victoria Recio Muñoz coord.

Publisher: Guillermo Escolar Editor ; Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos

ISBN: 978-84-18981-15-9 978-84-18981-13-5 978-84-09-34326-3 978-84-09-34325-6 978-84-18981-14-2 978-84-09-34322-5 978-84-09-34327-0

Year of publication: 2021

Congress: Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos (15. 2019. Valladolid)

Type: Book


This volume brings together the texts of some of the papers, communications and round tables Presented at the XV Congress of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies. All the works collected in this volume have received two favorable reports, carried outby the blind peer system, by specialists who are not part of the Committee Congress organizer.