Hagiografía y filologíael caso peculiar de la "Vita Didaci" (Santa María de Benevívere)

  1. Pérez Rodríguez, Estrella
Edad Media: revista de historia

ISSN: 1138-9621

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Titel der Ausgabe: La piedad medieval: imágenes, reliquias, hagiografía

Nummer: 10

Seiten: 163-182

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Edad Media: revista de historia


Against the background provided by the Vita Didaci -a 13th-century poem on Diego Martínez, the founder of the monastery of St. Maria de Benevivere (Carrión de los Condes)-, the author shows, on the one hand, the usefulness of philological study for a better understanding of hagiographical texts, and, on the other, how a specific medieval work fits into the generalizing label of hagiography. As regards the latter issue, all the aspects considered by the scholars as typically hagiographical have been examined in the Vita. It has been observed that not all of them appear, while some have very peculiar and distinct features.