Un modelo basado en agentes para el análisis de la segregación étnica espacial urbana
- José Ignacio García-Valdecasas
- Iván López
ISSN: 0718-3402
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 67
Pages: 145-165
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Geografía Norte Grande
This work attempts to analyse the urban spatial ethnic segregation through an agent-based model. For that purpose, it studies the effect of variables as the density of population, the level of intolerance towards different ethnic groups, the level of cultural diversity, the size of neighbourhood and the size of minorities on the urban spatial ethnic segregation (measured by the index of dissimilarity). In particular, it carries out virtual experiments with an agent-based model building from Schelling's model, but with assumptions about the behaviour of individuals more realistic. The results of virtual experiments could help to design social policies in order to reduce the urban spatial ethnic segregation in multiethnic societies.
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