Analysis of aerosol scattering coefficient measurements between 2006 and 2008 at El Arenosillo station
- López, J.F.
- Cachorro, V.E.
- Sorribas, M.
- Morena, B. De la
- Frutos, A. De
ISSN: 2171-8814
Year of publication: 2011
Issue Title: 37th Amasom I
Volume: 44
Issue: 4
Pages: 683-687
Type: Article
More publications in: Óptica pura y aplicada
Aerosol scattering properties have been measured over two years (January 2006 to May 2008) at the monitoring station ESAT-El Arenosillo as part of the development of the “Laboratorio de Medida de Aerosoles” in situ into the scientific collaboration between INTA National Institute of Aerospace Technique of Spain) and “Atmospheric Optics Group of the University of Valladolid (GOA-UVA). This station belonging to INTA is located in the coastal area of the province of Huelva (Southwestern of Spain). Light scattering coefficient σsp and hemispheric back-scattering coefficient σbsp were measured using a 3-wavelengths (450, 550 and 700 nm) integrating nephelometer of TSI Model 3563, under specified GAW dry conditions. Ångström exponent α has been also derived from the spectral scattering dependence and the hemispheric backscatter fraction b from the ratio σbsp/σsp. All these parameters have been carefully analyzed to investigate their general characteristics and features, as annual, seasonal and diurnal variability.
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