Performance architecturaleuna aproximación al concepto de dérive en la arquitectura de Rem Koolhaas

  1. javier arias madero
[i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio

ISSN: 2341-0515

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 35-52

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/I2.19430 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: [i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio


Movement is a major theme in contemporary creative research. It began with the avant-garde movements of the first decades of the twentieth century: Futurists, Dadaists, and later the Surrealists, all made movement in its context one of their main subjects of experimentation. Decades later, lettrists and situationists recycled previous research and reinforced the radical connotation of wandering as an act of liberation from routine and the established order. They paved the way towards new creative forms in a broad spectrum of disciplines such as action art, performance, theatre, dance, cinema, but also notably in urban design and architecture. One of the architects who best exploits all this research and past experience with movement and who manages to transfer these delectable gems to the urban and architectural domain is Rem Koolhaas. Decidedly influenced at the beginning of his career by all these plastic currents, Koolhaas's work would be characterised by constant innovations in the field of an individual’s moving, transforming it into an artistic action outside the building itself. A true Performance Architecturale. Koolhaas vindicates the Baudelerian dérive and instrumentalises erratic city wandering in many of his projects. His contexts are not only territorial. Koolhaas also experiments with urban wandering within buildings, in coherence once again, with his proposal of Metropolitan Architecture.

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