La desigualdad en el marco de cuentas nacionalesel caso de ecuador

  1. Tomalá Parrales, Miguel Angel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Juan Vicente Perdiz Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 26 von Oktober von 2021

  1. Juan Antonio Vázquez García Präsident/in
  2. Óscar Carpintero Redondo Sekretär
  3. Rafael Myro Sánchez Vocal
  1. Economía Aplicada

Art: Dissertation


ABSTRACT This thesis improves the statistical information needed to design redistributive policies. It is applied to the case of the Ecuador, but its results are applicable to other countries. The work 1) includes a comprehensive review of the literature on inequality in Ecuador, 2) estimates the contributions to the total inequality of the place of residence, the branch of activity and the level of education 3) designs and simulates policies to correct inequality 4) adjusts survey microdata to aggregates of national accounts and 5) examines the impact of the adjustment on the previously reviewed contributions and policies. The most innovative contributions of the work are the presentation of the first distributional national accounts of Ecuador and the estimation of the parameters of some redistributive policies, with the original and the adjusted microdata. Among the most striking results are the important role of education as an explanatory factor for inequality in Ecuador, the influence of the measure of inequality used on the design of redistributive policies and how the concealment of incomes harms not only the less advantaged, but above all responsible entrepreneurs. PALABRAS CLAVE: Distribución de la renta, Cuentas Nacionales, Ecuador, Descomposición de la desigualdad, Politicas redistributivas KEY WORDS Distribution of income, National Accounts, Ecuador, Decomposition of inequality, Redistributive policies