Una fábrica como equipamientola voluntad de distinción dela Fábrica de Papel de Seguridad de Burgos, 1944-1953

  1. Luis Santos y Ganges
La imagen de la industria: VI Seminario Internacional sobre Patrimonio de la Arquitectura y la Industria. Propaganda, representación y percepción como patrimonio

Editorial: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-09-10223-5

Año de publicación: 2019

Páginas: 287-304

Congreso: Seminario Internacional sobre Patrimonio de la Arquitectura y la Industria (6. 2019. Madrid)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


The Security Paper Factory of Burgos is a department of the Currency andStamp National Factory and Spanish Mint; a small integrated factory ofpaste and wool paper for bank notes and other valuable documents. It wasa Factory of the First Francoism: designed between 1943 and 1944, builtbetween 1944 and 1952, and inaugurated in 1953; and in full swing sincethen.This working factory has patrimonial value, mainly due to its industrialarchitecture born as equipment made to endure. It is a factory made ofconcrete, with predominantly horizontal bodies and a pattern of verticalvoids, inspired by the educational centers of the University City of Madrid.It is the balanced result between the 1925’s rationalist architecture and theneoclassic academicism assimilated to official architecture. There wasn’t asimple adaptation from form to function in the engineering project, butrather, without losing its nature as architectural shell, adopted a presumption of style that would give the factory an appearance of permanency andpolish.This industrial architecture can be classified as noteworthy, though what isparticularly interesting is its intention, that answers a will to stand out, toappear stable, to show the prestige of Public Finance and that can be appreciated not only on the architecture project, but also on its integration ona wide, properly landscaped lot and in the allegoric and propagandisticnature of some of the mobile components of the office pavilion