Juan de Pastrana y su singular clasificación de la dictio dentro de la gramática del s. XV

  1. Lozano Guillén, Carmen
Minerva: Revista de filología clásica

ISSN: 0213-9634

Année de publication: 1995

Número: 9

Pages: 187-196

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Minerva: Revista de filología clásica


In this paper the author examines the singular classification of the dictio in three classes made by the XVth-century Spanish grammarian Juan de Pastrana in his Compendium grammaticae. Moreover, possible influences for such a classification are looked for in logical and grammatical tradition. Finally, this tripartite division is related to the similar ones carried out by Ramus and Sanctius in the XVIth century.

Références bibliographiques

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  • Sánchez de las Brozas, Minerva seu de causis linguae Latinae, Salamanca 1587 (reimpr. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1986).
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  • Radulphus Brito, Quaestiones super Priscianum Minorem, ed. J. Pinborg-H. W. Enders, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstadt 1980.
  • C. Lozano, «Apuntes sobre la interpretación renacentista de las partes grammaticae», Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre la recepción de las Artes Clásicas en el s. XVI, Cáceres 1995.
  • Simon Dacus (Domus gramatice, ed. A. Ott-H. Roos, Hauniae 1963.
  • Simon Dacus (Domus gramatice, ed. A. Ott-H. Roos, Hauniae 1963.
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