El Quijote en "The Old Curiosity Shop"

  1. Vázquez de Prada Merino, María Teresa
ES: Revista de filología inglesa

ISSN: 0210-9689

Año de publicación: 2007

Número: 28

Páginas: 225-239

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: ES: Revista de filología inglesa


El Quijote was one of Dickens' first readings which impressed the author. So, we try to find the possible similarities between el Quijote and The Old Curiosity Shop, the fourth novel written by the author. Anyway, we connect the two novels studying the narrators, the structure and the authobiographical aspects. We see, al so, the possible connections between the main characters in both novels. We study these characters refering to their relationship between fancy/reality, the aspects of the picaresque novel, fairy tales and finally the authors' attitudes when their characters are faced with death. At last, we think it is possible to say that Dickens remembered el Quijote when he wrote The Old Curiosity Shop.