Rinitis medicamentosa y descongestivos nasales de uso tópico

  1. L. Malfaz Vázquez
  2. C.Mª Pérez-Accino Picatoste
  3. Alfonso Velasco Martín
Atención Farmacéutica

ISSN: 1139-7357

Año de publicación: 2000

Volumen: 2

Número: 6

Páginas: 512-518

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Atención Farmacéutica


This review has as its object the medicamentosus rhinitis and its entailment to the drugs denominated nasal decongestives of topic use. These are pharmaceutical publicity specialties and the recommendation and the instruction about their use with the patient is the responsibility of the pharmacist. The utilization of nasal decongestives by topic pathway is indicated in patients with infectious rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis and sinusitis. The consulted studies profile the nasal spray as the pharmaceutical form that provides the best distribution. In relation to the active principles, it is observed a significant trend in using imidazolic derivates, specifically the oxymetazoline and the xylometazoline, due to their favorable relation of effect duration to dose and due to their few undesirable effects