Dossier IIEl síndrome Avatar: ¿Una nueva patología?

  1. Aitor Curiel López de Arcaute
Quadernos de criminología: revista de criminología y ciencias forenses

ISSN: 1888-0665

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 27

Pages: 24-27

Type: Article

More publications in: Quadernos de criminología: revista de criminología y ciencias forenses


Thls work Is meant to analyze the exlstence of posslble sociablllty problems derlved from the abuslve useof the newtechnologies. Non-adaptatlve behaviour and social skills in relation to them. There are sltuacions whlch brlng about an Important impact on the indlvidual's flslcal and psychologlcal health, where by their soclal skills and personal development are diminished. ln thls Instance, we describe a posslble new pathological case: the 'avatar syndrorne'.