Análisis cuantitativos aplicados a la poesíala lírica indubitada sacra de Damián Cornejo y de León Marchante
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 1988-1088
Year of publication: 2018
Issue Title: Francisco de Aldana: facetas de su vida y obra
Issue: 12
Pages: 287-306
Type: Article
More publications in: Studia Aurea: Revista de Literatura Española y Teoría Literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro
The quantitative analysis allows to delimit and contrast in an objective way the stylistic characteristics of textual corpus. Through this type of studies, we have defined morphonsyntactic and lexical features which allow to differentiate the undoubted sacred poems of Damian Cornejo from Leon Marchante. These data have been compared with those obtained in undoubted profane poetry and in prose in order to check if there are similarities between the productions of the same author. The results have established a series of parameters that will help to determine the authorship of religious poems attributed to both of them.
Funding information
Esta investigación es el resultado de los trabajos realizados en el seno del proyecto de investigación «Ovidio versus Petrarca: nuevos textos de la poesía erótica española del Siglo de Oro (plataforma digital y edición)», Ref. FFI2015-68229-P.Funders
- FFI2015-68229-P
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