Ligereza y espesor en la arquitectura contemporánea

  1. Cortés, Juan Antonio
cpa : cuadernos de proyectos arquitectónicos

Año de publicación: 2010

Título del ejemplar: Innovación y tradición en la arquitectura contemporánea

Número: 1

Páginas: 28-32

Tipo: Artículo


The modern architect tried to achieve complete immateriality, translucency and lightness fading in the air strength and weight of ancient architecture. Wright, Le Corbusier and Mies proposed by the clearness and transparency of the envelope to shift from mass to volume. The thickness of recent architecture calls us different shades on their quality: The level geometry and the physical level (density). The thickness is not a measurable quantity, but a noticeable appearance. In the works of Herzog and de Meuron is found that thick will look to the facades designed as flat planes with no depth. But this thickness there is no loss of lightness and translucency, but a nuanced treatment, non-compacted solid, undergoing a self-consistent intermediate state of matter in which the solid becomes soft and liquid evaporates, the fluid thickens and ethereal changes to dense. Sejima's research, Sanaa in their projects, is about the thickness as a superposition of transparencies and reflections by the use of transparent materials, through a series of layers arranged in parallel vertical space and using the curvature of the walls in the corners or all the walls to contribute to the emergence of multiple reflections and opacity unexpected. In fact, her main interests in the reflection and not in the transparency. The substance of architecture becomes an issue linked to the changing situation of the subject, although governed by the formal organization of the building.

Referencias bibliográficas

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