Estudio de la obra inédita "Gramática elemental de la lengua quiche achi de Rabinal" de Gregorio Ramírez Donoso

  1. Beatriz Valverde Olmedo
Los dominicos españoles e iberoamericanos y la traducción
  1. Antonio Bueno García (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Comares

ISBN: 978-84-9045-664-4

Year of publication: 2018

Volume Title: Labor educativa, lexicográfica y misionera

Volume: 2

Pages: 715-723

Type: Book chapter


The aim of the current study is to analyze the work of Gregorio Ramírez Donoso entitled Gramática elemental de la lengua quiche achi de Rabanal, which is an extremely valuable work conceived to expand and improve the current knowledge of Mayan languages, more specifically the Rabinal Achi. This language, spoken in Rabinal municipality (Guatemala), is an Achi dialect, a language which is in turn derived from the central K'iche' (Quiché). Hence there is the name that the author has appropriately given his work.