Ciencia, sociedad y arte. Una aproximación socio-histórica

  1. Solano Gómez, Alejandra
Sociología y tecnociencia: Revista digital de sociología del sistema tecnocientífico

ISSN: 1989-8487

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Alea: 2

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 40-53

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Sociología y tecnociencia: Revista digital de sociología del sistema tecnocientífico


We are living in a time where all is needed to be classified and divided in each field of knowledge and humanity, in which the interaction between the different areas of knowledge are forgotten. Probably, one way to remind us that all is connected, that everything that has been produced and designed by humanity, is by going through the mute but eloquent artistic manifestations legacy of the different civilizations.

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

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  • Proyecto crítico de ciencias sociales