Los textos poéticos de Fernando de Herreraaproximaciones desde la estilística de Corpus y la Estilometría

  1. Hernández Lorenzo, Laura
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Montero Delgado Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 17 January 2020

  1. Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel Chair
  2. Nieves Pena Sueiro Secretary
  3. José Manuel Fradejas Rueda Committee member
  4. José María Micó Juan Committee member
  5. Mercedes Blanco Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 606041 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


This thesis deals with one of the most fascinating textual and authorship problems in Spanish Poetry, that is, the one concerning the poetic works of Fernando de Herrera (1534-1597), focusing on the authorship question surrounding the posthumous poetic work edited by Francisco Pacheco, titled Versos (Seville, 1619). In order to solve this problem, and taking advantage of the latest cutting-edge research in Digital Humanities and –specifically– Digital Stylistics and Stylometry, new computational analyses are presented, in which the new techniques have been applied to Herrera’s indubious poetic texts, as well as the poems included in the posthumous work –previously digitalised in this thesis through the most respected edition. Results very consistently point to Herrera as the author of the variants and new poems published in 1619. In addition, they show similarities and differences between these and the rest of Herrera’s poetry. Finally, they prove that Digital Humanities and Stylometry may indeed make new and important contributions to Spanish Literature research, in this case shedding new light on a controversial question affecting one of the best Spanish Golden Age poets’ writing, in addition to poetic evolution from Renaissance to Baroque.