“Sin pan que comer ni vestidos con los que cubrirse”:Violencia y situación jurídica de los judíos de Castilla durante la guerra civil entre Pedro I y Enrique II de Trastámara (1366-1369)

  1. Gonzalo Pérez Castaño
Revista Roda da Fortuna: Revista Eletrônica sobre Antiguidade e Medievo

ISSN: 2014-7430

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Titel der Ausgabe: La Guerra en la Edad Media: Fuentes y metodología, nuevas perspectivas, difusión y sociedad actual

Nummer: 1-1

Seiten: 308-331

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Roda da Fortuna: Revista Eletrônica sobre Antiguidade e Medievo


The violence unleashed during the fratricidal battle between Pedro I and his stepbrother Enrique de Trastámara in the middle of the 14th century caused the deterioration of the Castilian Jewish quarter and the decline of the Jewish minority of the medieval society. The coexistence of these three religions from the previous centuries opened way to a period of anti-Judaism stimulated by the wide approved legislation. With the help of these imposed measures we will analyze the situation of the population before the Castilian Civil War, and later we will study what happened during the conflict. Finally we will treat the attacks of the cities against the Jews and the consequences that these had at the end of the above mentioned century.