La utilización de las pizarras digitales interactivas en la enseñanza de la física y química en Secundaria
- Rafael Muñoa Anabitarte
- Mercedes Ruiz Pastrana
- Jiménez Liso, María Rut (coord.)
Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Almería (edual) ; Universidad de Almería
ISBN: 978-84-691-5088-7
Year of publication: 2008
Pages: 1118-1129
Congress: Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (23. 2008. Almería)
Type: Conference paper
Electronic whiteboards are a very valuable set of tools which can be usedto teach physics and chemistry. But their implementation is notstraightforward: good methodologies and adequate materials are needed.In our secondary school we have implemented this new techonogy for fouryears. Our intention is to share our experiences and conclusions in orderto help people trying to implement such innovative tools in class.