Modelos meteorológicos de alta resolución aplicados a la predicción de ondas de montaña y condiciones de engelamiento para la mejora de la seguridad aérea

  1. Díaz Fernández, Javier
unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Luisa Martín Doktormutter
  2. Francisco Valero Rodríguez Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 09 von Dezember von 2021

  1. Luis Vázquez Martínez Präsident/in
  2. Carlos Yagüe Anguis Sekretär/in
  3. M. Yolanda Luna Rico Vocal
  4. José Ignacio Farrán Martín Vocal
  5. Fernando de Pablo Dávila Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Mountain waves are a kind of gravity waves that form in the leeward side of the major mountain ranges under certain conditions. Turbulence and icing are adverse meteorological phenomena associated with these types of waves that can affect the aviation safety. Not surprisingly, turbulence and icing associated with mountain waves have been reported as the cause of numerous aircraft accidents.Currently, the forecast of mountain wave events is not completely accurate, which makes it difficult to anticipate them. The lack of direct observational data is the greatest inconvenience in the mountain waves study since it is very difficult to obtain reliable measurements in the mountain waves formation area. Consequently, for the study of this phenomenon in this thesis, cloudiness associated with mountain waves has been used as an observational method...