La obra burgalesa de Diego Siloe (1519-1528)

  1. Redondo Cantera, María José
Napoli e la Spagna nel Cinquecento. Le opere, gli artista, la storiografia

Editorial: Università del Salento

ISBN: 9788867661756

Año de publicación: 2017

Páginas: 45-91

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


Diego Siloe was an essential artist during the process of incorporating Renaissance to Castillian sculpture. Since his return to Burgos in 1519, and after hís stay in Italy, he received important assignments in which he displayed the new artistic language 'on roman', learned from the italian art and his work in Naples in collaboration with his fellow citizen, Bartolomé Ordóñez. During his years of working activity in Burgos, he introduced many novelties, which both which both himself and his followers broadly deveíoped and gave way ta one of the most brilliant periods of Spanish art.