Reseña al libro “Relaciones laborales e industria digital: redes sociales, prevención de riesgos laborales, desconexión y trabajo a distancia en Europa”, de María Belén Fernández Collados (dir.)
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 1575-7048
Argitalpen urtea: 2022
Zenbakien izenburua: Aprendizajes de la pandemia
Zenbakia: 47
Orrialdeak: 222-226
Mota: Iruzkinak
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Lan harremanak: Revista de relaciones laborales
This research carried out by the authors, which has an interdisciplinary approach, although with a legal-labor premium, and from my point of view masterfully directed by the director of the Chair of Labor Relations, Social Dialogue and Labor Welfare of the University of Murcia , covers the commendable objective of improving the disclosure of labor relations from the perspective of industrial digitization and the guaranteed implementation of remote work. And they expose their results, throughout eleven chapters, addressing five key aspects