Árbitros y mediadores en el mundo rural valenciano durante la Baja Edad MediaEls Ports y El Maestrat (s. XIII-XIV)

  1. Vicent Royo Pérez
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie III, Historia medieval

ISSN: 0214-9745

Any de publicació: 2019

Número: 32

Pàgines: 379-412

Tipus: Article


Altres publicacions en: Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie III, Historia medieval


Abstract-This article analyses the identity of the arbiters in conflicts that took place in the rural country of the kingdom of Valencia during the late Middle Ages. After the conquest of the thirteenth century, the implementation of a new rural society led to the emergence of numerous conflicts between the social actors present in the regions of Els Ports and El Maestrat, both located in the northern part of the kingdom of Valencia. Many of these conflicts were resolved through arbitration, so the arbiters are responsible for managing any changes in social structure. Consequently, our aim is to analyse the identity of the arbiters and to determine the diverse criteria that lords, bourgeois and peasants followed to choose mediators during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as these individuals played an essential role in the forging of relationships in rural society.

Informació de finançament

Este estudio fue realizado en el marco de un contrato postdoctoral «Juan de la Cierva-Formación», subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.

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